Marguerite and Armand in NEW YORK

Alina Cojocaru and Friedemann Vogel (c) Sila Avvakum

During the "Fall for Dance Festival" at New York City Center Friedemann Vogel will dance with Alina Cojocaru the title roles in Frederick Ashton’s rarely-seen 1963 masterpiece Marguerite and Armand. Performances 5,6 October 2016 

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Kings of the Dance

Kings of the Dance in St.Petersburg                 Photo (c) Charles Evans                     (left to right) Denis Matvienko, Marcelo Gomes, FriedemannVogel, Ivan Vassiliev, Herman Cornejo

Friedemann will join for the first time the international dance project "Kings of the Dance" in December 2014. Together with Ivan Vassiliev, Marcelo Gomes, Denis Matvienko and Herman Cornejo. "Kings of the Dance" will start the tour in St.Petersburg and Moscow.

details & dates