3sat TV "Kulturzeit" Ausblicke 2024 with Friedemann Vogel

Friedemann Vogel by Kosmas Pavlos

At the beginning of each year, TV channel 3sat invites esteemed artists to share their outlook for the year ahead. With the need for peace on everyone’s mind now more than ever, Friedemann who celebrates his 25th anniversary as a dancer in 2024, talks about the significance of dance: how it is not just about beauty and gracefulness, but far more crucially, about instilling empathy and nudging people towards more tolerance and freedom.


Onegin on ARTE

John Cranko's celebrated masterpiece Onegin will be on TV on 30 & 31 December! Onegin is one Friedemann's most cherished roles, and he hopes this festive season screening on ARTE will bring equal delight to viewers discovering this dramatic ballet for the first time and those who have already experienced it on stage or on the big screen. Filmed on the occasion of its 50th anniversary last year, this Stuttgart Ballet production features Friedemann as "the most elegant and elegiac Onegin of all time" (Suedwest Presse), and is also available for purchase from Amazon on Blu-Ray and DVD. 

Screening times:

In Germany: 31 Dec at 00h30

In France: 31 Dec at 01h20

Also available online in arte's media library from 30 Dec

